Patient Portal
Welcome to our patient portal, where you can easily book hospital appointments, send us feedback, tell us about your experience with our service, and make suggestions about how we can be better.
You can also download important information brochures, read about your rights, as well as your responsibilities to your healthcare provider, see our client list, and check if your HMO works with us.
You can book your appointments here easily from the comfort of your home or office. Book your visits easily and get confirmation of your visits ahead of time.
Feedback Form
We are committed to making our healthcare service work for you and your loved ones. Please share your feedback about our services in order to help make them better.
Information Brochures
Here, we have taken time to collect the various resources that you might need, ranging from What to Expect in your hospital visit to what to do when preparing for various hospital procedures.

Patient Experience
You have the right to very respectful and compassionate care as a patient, which is why we have introduced a framework for better patient experience.
Patient Responsibilities
Just as you have rights as a patient, it is also important to note that you have responsibilities. These range from those that revolve around fellow patients, to those that involve your healthcare provider.
Every patient or client has the following responsibilities:
Patient Rights
Your rights are a list of guarantees for when receiving medical care. Typically, your bill of rights guarantees accurate and timely medical information, fair treatment, and autonomy over medical decisions because YOUR LIFE MATTERS!